Monday 2 July 2007

First Timebox Complete

Started recording basic action. The real frustrations come out when you get a run at it. So I started creating my big take. Of course, an hour in and Antics crashes and then is unable to load the autosave version. So my first hour of work lost! Moral of the story - save often when recording!

Anyway, started the camera flow and not working too bad. Overall I have a 1m 7s take. Learning points:
- In different rooms ensure you load in different people so that you can then overlap action (end scenes early
- Cutting from different bits of action in the same room definitely isn't ideal. Even exporting individual AVI's could be very messy but I guess more akin to real film making where it is put together in the edit. Obviously naming and managing the different takes would be key then.
- Getting the pacing is difficult especially with characters running. Antics tends to jump them on my PC (probably crappy graphics card & processor) so it is difficult to judge real-time. On playback I found some takes very slow and really elongating the action (particularly the camera pan around the bedroom)
- I am edfinitely suffering from a lack of planning shots and did actually add a camera to record some extra footage. This could have been avoided with better shot planning
- I also moved around some action to make the cuts tighter. However, in such a long run of action this then knocks onto to subsequent actions and isn't really manageable. Would be easier if all takes were smaller (ie all separate AVI's)

Overall it's better than nothing but I didn't get as far as I wanted or get to add much sound. But it's a start and will be interesting to get Parm's opinion.

My decisions are whether to start again, either re-building sets or recording or whether to push forward and get a complete rough cut before starting again. I could also sit down and storyboard and plan more before starting.

Still, pretty pleased and some good learning. Even getting the hang of camera keyframing. Lighting to tackle at some point!

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