Thursday 26 July 2007

First Full Review

Had the first review of progress so far with Parmy on 20/2 and it went really well. We started by viewing avi's so far and of course a couple haven't come out correctly. Subsequent follow up means I need a better graphics card. Coming soon.

We then reviewed the 2 scripts that we had as Parmy has always felt the first much better. We ran through both and came up with a great hybrid which I pulled together yesterday. It is 8 pages and has the depth of the intro of characters of the first script, but the unfolding of the seperate stories of the second. Nothing is ditched so there is no work lost except the bits of "foot leather" which I decided should be dropped after working on it anyway.

The shotlist is a great document as well and is going to be invaluable throughout. It's already giving Parmy an idea on the edit. I'm finding that I invent once when I write it, then use it as a guide for the Storyboard where I might make further changes. No doubt, other smaller changes will appear in shooting.

We looked at the editing and I still think we will mix it between Antics and Adobe, although we came up with a way to output the action as separate AVI's for each camera. This would involve cutting to the specific camera in the timeline, then export the avi, then change camera and start again. The downside of this method is that the specific camera won't be stored and if we need to export then you would have to go again. It does give maximum benefit to editing though. Realistcally, I think I will do this for the more complicated scenes, leaving the simple scenes cut in Antics.

It was great to chat things through and share ideas and we are both motivated from it. I have now almost finished the new shotlist and can then continue with churning out the rest of the Storyboard for our review next Wednesday. The plan is to finish pre-production by Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.