Tuesday 5 June 2007

More Cameras

A few more hours development today. I was chatting with my friend Mark who has made a short film and is has been editing for some time. He was lamenting the fact that he didn't always have the camera angles that he wanted and wished he had been able to shoot more. I asked if there were any "standard" camera setups that he had been taught at his directing course, and he immediately mentioned 3 - a master and then a focus on each character (assuming 2). This immediately gave me some simple ideas for extra cameras in the opening Lounge scene and will be useful in getting basic setups.

Also chatting through the process with a non-film friend and have confirmed to myself that I should build a "rough cut" and then refine - iterative delivery.

Pressed on today with the 2 new camera setups and started building the hallway set. Even managed to get the dolly camera working OK by targeting correctly. I know it can be done with key frames too, which I'm sure I'll end up with.

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