Thursday 14 June 2007

Basic Sound

Second day getting back into it. Recorded the 12 or so lines of dialogue for CS but as I don't have a proper mike on my PC I used my phone and then converted it. Not hard but it still took about an hour. Also recorded a door shutting which was novel! So have started to put these into the rough cut.

Because of my worry of cutting the whole movie together, I actually created the first scene (realising the importance of scene numbers) and tried cutting it next to the following scene. Problems arise with where the characters start a scene which I can solve with creating poses.

The second problem is with what they hold. So Miles has ended up pointing a briefcase at his head rather than a gun. Not exactly life threatening! There's no way to snap an object out of the hand so might have to look at bridging scenes to put things down. At the moment I've tried hiding but it's not great as the briefcase also needs a starting position (might try that).

Otherwise my enthusiasm has picked up and I have promised Parmy a rough cut in a week before I go on holiday. I will timebox and get him whatever I have by then (maybe some scenes before?) with a list of things that I want him to comment on/discuss.

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