Wednesday 28 November 2007

Website Launched!

At last! It's taken longer than we wanted but we had a push this weekend and the site is now up and running.

Go take a look!

Please go and take a look to see the movie again or read some background to the story and the project as a whole. There are also details on other scripts and projects we have in production and have worked on over the years.

I think that’s it for the backdated blog. There’s a few more entries after we posted the movie up but I’ll add those in as I go along. It's real time now, but plenty more to be talking about.

Now we've got the site we'll be posting on YouTube. I've also got some very exciting news (I hope) later this week around Antics who have seen Cold Storage and absolutely love it!

Monday 19 November 2007

Beyond Post Production

The film has been out almost a month with around 116 views. Not bad considering we've not done much promotion. That is starting next week.
So what have we done? Well, after a week's rest (well deserved I assure you!) we did a quick re-edit. The aim wasn't to change too much but there were a few areas that I wanted tidying up. In the end it was less than I thought. I think because after seeing the completed film a few times and discussing it with people you realise the bits you see really aren't important.

Next was drawing up a plan for the next steps. Although both Parmy and I are keen to kick off another creative project, we need to do this justice first with some distribution and marketing to get it out there. Enter Lance Weiler and his film "Head Trauma" which he has self distributed and written some great articles about. I used this as the basis for our own web promotion.

Along with our other ideas we came up with a list of 40 things we could and should do to get the movie out there and promote it. Many were more creative things (posters, trailer, brand new website design in Flash, etc) so we've opted for the less creative stuff first - getting a presence on social sites first. If you're reading this, then you're already seeing the results!

I've also been looking into how the music needs to work. If we can't license what we have we may have to recut the music using production music libraries. See my other blog on music.